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Frequently Asked Questions

What is LifeBytes?

LifeBytes is a case management toolkit designed for today’s learners that extends program reach and inspires participants’ everyday success. LifeBytes has 11 Bytes organized into 5 units: Relationships, Parents, Life Skills, Jobs and Money. Each Byte has a facilitator discussion guide, a 1.5 – 3-minute animated explainer video, expert videos and written materials. The written materials are tip sheets, resource sheets and info sheets designed to give participants more in-depth information on the animated video topics.

Who can use LifeBytes?

LifeBytes is valuable for human services programs that provide case management to their participants. Created to support the case management functions for human services programs, the purpose of each Byte is to provide participants with exposure, instruction and a behavioral call to action. Bytes are structured around topics meant to remove barriers to participation for clients.

How do I use LifeBytes?

LifeBytes is designed to fit seamlessly into workshop settings. We provide prompts to introduce each video and facilitate discussion after. Each Byte can be delivered in less than 10 minutes.

How do I access the full package?

Register with us for access to the full package, or connect with us to request more information.

How much does it cost?

LifeBytes is free of charge to nonprofit organizations and programs.
